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Plastic Free
Why a plastic free certification for events?
In order to effectively promote and enhance the commitment of those who put into practice conscious actions and environmental protection, Plastic Free Certification SBrl offers a new tool for everyone applying plastic free solutions to the management of events such as parties and festivals, conferences, gala events, concerts, cultural, sporting and artistic events, markets and fairs. It is in these contexts that indiscriminate use of disposable plastics and wrong disposal are likely to occur more frequently.
A global vision of the single-use plastic problem
Even though many countries are enforcing specific normatives to ban single-use tableware, problems arise when it comes to plastic water bottles, containers and general packagings. 

The plastic Free logo acts as a control tool throughout the supply chain, proving and supporting the choice of critical habits and exemplary behaviours in the perspective of conscious consumerism. Laws stay obsolete if they do not foster ideas.
How to create your plastic free event
Responsible, libertarian and aware event managers who undertake to reconsider the use of plastic objects, which invade our seas, rivers and the air we breathe, find it difficult to communicate, witness and value the care that underlies the organization of eco-events.

That is why Plastic Free Certification SBrl presents a logo serving as a guarantee of responsible, sustainable and low-impact event management.

The usage of the present logo implies compliance with 15 articles, which define and protect the plastic free nature of certified events.

Certified Companies

Supplementary consultancies
Our Plastic Free consultants are qualified to accompany companies undergoing certification in every process described.
In addition, they are qualified to provide additional and optional consultancies:
Plastic Free Training - Sustainable Solutions Research - Monitoring Accompaniment

Get Certified

Start to make a difference
Richiesta eventi PF - ENG

with our certification you calculate the CO2 saved

thanks to the collaboration with the University of L'Aquila
it is now possible to calculate how many kg of CO2 equivalent can be saved by applying the certification procedure of Plastic Free Certification
read the study


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Plastic Free Certification S.B.R.L.  All Rights Reserved


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