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Who We Are
The first certification that combines quality and sustainable growth

Our History

In July 2018, during a training session on compostable materials addressed to an environmental association, Giuseppe Sarua Cinquegrana, an expert in the subject, shared the idea of creating a system to accompany and enhance the Plastic Free pathways. 

This insight led to the creation of a team of 12 people with a strong interest in environmental protection, activists and experts in various strategic fields. The goal was clear: to create a Plastic Free Certification, an ambitious and necessary idea, as at the time nothing similar existed for those wishing to embark on a plastic reduction path.
In 2019, the Plastic Free Standard - Business Management System began to take shape thanks to the work of Luca Bazzani, an expert in European norms and standards. 

The company was founded in November of that year, and after almost a year of work, the first version of the Plastic Free Standard - Management System was completed. Thus Plastic Free Certification was officially born, becoming the first Plastic Free Standard certification body in the world.
In 2024 the new association Eco Sphere Academy was established, which has taken over the ownership and management function of certification schemes, research and development, and the promotion of environmental protection values. 

This allows PFC to focus and specialize in certification processes, auditing, and consultancy, while standards management is entrusted to experts and professionals who transparently and dedicatedly handle only certification schemes and research.
Over the ensuing years, Plastic Free Certification has continued to grow and attract interest from entities from around the world. Despite the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization's commitment to environmental sustainability has remained strong, with the goal of promoting plastic reduction and the adoption of sustainable practices worldwide. 

To date, Plastic Free Certification certifies on three Plastic Free Certification Schemes (Management System - Product - Events) and supports restaurants, hotels, food companies and certified organizations on 5 continents.

Reduce single-use plastics through a quality oriented and certified process. Empower your business to make a tangible environmental difference and lead the way towards a sustainable future.


Plastic Free Certification has chosen to become a Benefit Company in order to adopt an approach that goes beyond the simple pursuit of corporate economic sustainability. 

Our commitment is focused on generating positive effects on people, communities, territories, environment, cultural and social assets. This legal status, recognized in Italy since 2015, commits us to operate in this direction in a responsible, sustainable and transparent way.
Our mission goes beyond mere certification; we do environmental research, actively promote sustainability awareness through dedicated events, support and disseminate good environmental practices, share information and knowledge, and enhance the efforts of organizations pursuing plastic reduction and sustainability.
Being a Benefit Society allows us to formalize our commitment to common benefit and support positive change in society. 

We are proud to be able to contribute to a broader global movement to promote positive social and environmental impact business, paralleling initiatives such as B Corporations in the United States and other forms of social enterprises around the world.

Code of Conduct

Since its establishment, Plastic Free Certification Benefit Company (hereinafter PFC) has been committed to principles of humanity, equality and neutrality. PFC's transparent and consensus-driven processes, which involve relevant experts and stakeholders, are utilized to promote International Standards aimed at the minimization of the impacts of human pollution. 

These solutions provide practical and state-of-the-art solutions for disseminating innovation and environmental sustainability. The benefits of the Schemes proposed by PFC extend beyond individual or organizational interests and benefit the international community. 

Therefore, PFC carries out its work in a multi-stakeholder environment, and it is essential that all activities are conducted ethically, earning the confidence of standardization parties and the general public.


In its auditing activities Plastic Free Certification SBRL makes use of an international network of professionals properly trained and qualified to operate on the relevant Certification Schemes.
Are you interested in becoming a Plastic Free auditor?


Scopri come certificare la tua azienda Plastic Free! - 11/06/2021
Plastique : Interview croisée de Christophe Aribert et de Giovanni Candeloro, consultant de Plastic Free Certification 21/02/2022
Mauro Colagreco è o primero chef com o Plastic Free Certification
Plastic free: missione (anche) da chef. Mauro Colagreco e Massimo Spigaroli in prima linea

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with our certification you calculate the CO2 saved

thanks to the collaboration with the University of L'Aquila
it is now possible to calculate how many kg of CO2 equivalent can be saved by applying the certification procedure of Plastic Free Certification
read the study


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