Get Certified

Apply for certification for the business management system

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Data of the applicant

The certification process - Company management system gives access to:

  • Standard Plastic Free - Company management system;
  • Guidelines for the Standard comprehension;
  • Remote assistance and support for the certification processes;
  • Online platform for the management and monitoring of processes;
  • Good Practices Archive of the Plastic Free Network;
  • Pre-certification promotional material (Plastic Free “in Progress” logo);
  • External audit online or onsite;
  • Official Plastic Free Certificate in seaweed paper, valid for 1 year;
  • Assessment of the reduction of kgCO2eq achieved;
  • Window stickers;
  • Plastic Free Management logo to be used in any communication tool;
  • Promotion of the company in the Plastic Free Certification channels;
  • 1 custom poster.

Get Certified

Start to make a difference
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with our certification you calculate the CO2 saved

thanks to the collaboration with the University of L'Aquila
it is now possible to calculate how many kg of CO2 equivalent can be saved by applying the certification procedure of Plastic Free Certification
read the study


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