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The presentation at the Chef World Summit in Monaco

by Michele

Reading time 1 minute

Our journey to communicate and spread as much as possible the need for awareness of the automatic behavior of the use of plastic began with the Chef World Summit in Monaco.

During this event, a meeting for the most titled chefs in the world, we had the great pleasure of delivering the first certification to Mauro Colagreco and his team from the Mirazur restaurant in Menton.

Mauro Colagreco started a project in his kitchen 2 years ago for the total elimination of plastic in restaurants and we at Plastic Free Certification had the burden of being able to assist him in this virtuous process.

It has been two years of great study and work for the search for solutions, products and projects in continuous development.

Faced with a very attentive and curious audience Mauro Colagreco, Luca Mattioli and Zaira Di Paolo have told how the project of a plastic free kitchen can be the starting point for the definition of a new way of understanding the whole economy.

By implementing virtuous practices and processes, we have the ambition to change the attitude of producing and consuming; no longer thinking only of our advantage but also of the interests of the environment.

At the end of the intervention, many professionals were interested in learning more about the certification.

The great interest shown will certainly give us the strength to make the project operational on a large scale in a short time.

certificazione plastic free mirazur

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with our certification you calculate the CO2 saved

thanks to the collaboration with the University of L'Aquila
it is now possible to calculate how many kg of CO2 equivalent can be saved by applying the certification procedure of Plastic Free Certification
read the study


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