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"Agile" Method to reduce plastic

by Michele

Reading time 2 minuts

Each declination of the "Agile" philosophy comes from the basic manifesto, Agile Manifesto, expressed in 4 simple statements:

Individuals and interactions more than processes and tools
Working software more than exhaustive documentation
Client collaboration more than contract negotiation
Responding to change than following a plan

It means that the value of the words on the right side is enormous, but we feel more important the subjects on the left.

The manifesto was born for software development but it’s easily applicable (and applied) in other contexts, such as publishing and marketing. It actually defines the values a working group is based on.

This is a work model, a Framework, that helps to manage complex projects with an empirical approach addressing complexity with gradual goals, developed over short work cycles that trigger a continuous process of improvement.

The good functioning of the framework depends on theese basic pillars:

  • Transparency 
  • Inspection 
  • Adaptation 

The process of removal of plastic within a company has a certain degree of complexity, depending on various factors such as the context the company operates in, the size and number of people working there.

The proposed approach has a formative structure and is "training on the job". It allows to achieve the objectives set in the "Plastic reduction plan" dividing  work into activities and micro-tasks to be performed in an initial fixed time interval (work cycle).

In some contexts the adoption of this model has led to a substantial improvement in the performance of the working team that, through periodic meetings, builds a plan of improvement developing self-improvement organisation and broadening of competences.

PlasticFreeCertification will provide you with all the tools to implement the transformation in a "Agile" way and to better face the complexity of your work.

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with our certification you calculate the CO2 saved

thanks to the collaboration with the University of L'Aquila
it is now possible to calculate how many kg of CO2 equivalent can be saved by applying the certification procedure of Plastic Free Certification
read the study


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